| Vítame Vás

Welcome to the website of the newly built Platan equestrian complex

Areál sa nachádza v lokalite Malý háj a je vzdialený 4 km západne od Stupavy (25 km od Bratislavy). V blízkosti cyklistického chodníka z mesta Stupava. Cesta je spojnicou s mestskou časťou Devínska Nová Ves.

Pôvodnú usadlosť grófa Alojza Károlyiho z roku 1840, ktorá slúžila pre chov hospodárskych zvierat, bažantov a pestovanie plodín pre kaštieľ v meste, sme prebudovali na moderný jazdecký areál, ktorý ponúka komfort nielen pre kone, ale aj ľudí. Zachovali sme pôvodné prvky stavieb, ako aj pôvodné čaro usadlosti obklopenej lesom.

Na ploche viac ako 12 hektárov bolo našim cieľom vybudovať areál, kde budú vytvorené kvalitné podmienky nielen pre kone ale aj ich majiteľov. Kde človek nájde zázemie a môže stráviť svoj voľný čas, či sa rozhodne v ten deň jazdiť alebo nie. Miesto, kde majiteľ vie, že bude o jeho koňa vždy kvalitne postarané.

Ako každý areál i my máme svoju víziu a zameranie. Zameriavame sa na anglický spôsob jazdenia a aj tréningové plochy sú na to prispôsobené. Príďte nás navštíviť a možno zistíte, že náš jazdecký areál očarí Vás aj Vášho koňa a že je to ideálne miesto pre jeho ustajnenie.

Thanks to the project manager and architect, Mr. Michal Hucek, and the trust of our partners such as VUB Bank a.s. we were able to turn our visions into reality.

30|limited number of boxes currently available


Stables are built of solid Klinker burnt bricks, which provide an excellent climate throughout the year.
  • the right orientation to cardinal points
  • excellent brightness and ventilation
  • nets and electric insect traps
  • daily cleaning
  • dimensions of stalls (3.5x4 m) with a window and direct exit to the paddock (3.5x4 m)
  • inner aisle made of hardened rubber
  • stalls come with stainless steel feeders, heated drinkers, hay nets and salt
  • installed camera system in the stable (in stables)
  • room for preparation and storage of horse feed
  • standby saddle room with a horse blanket dryer
  • external moorings for horse preparation
  • outdoor shower enclosures
  • solárium pre kone
  • indoor veterinary enclosures with showers


Enjoy our clubhouse designed for horse owners, their friends, and relatives, where you can warm yourself by the fireplace after a long winter walk or refresh in summer.
  • facilities
  • saddle room with lockable saddle cabinets
  • locker rooms with lockable cabinets for riding equipment
  • showers, sanitary facilities
  • the laundry room also for horse blankets and saddlebags
  • barrier-free access
  • the self-service bar for club members


Leading horses in/out of paddocks daily.
  • the paddocks are fenced with wooden and electric fence
  • paddock area up to 4 hectares
  • grassy paddocks
  • constant access to hay and water
  • drinker up to -30 °C connected to water supply
  • rotation of paddocks
  • irrigation in paddocks
  • manure vacuuming in paddocks
  • insect traps

Riding arenas

indoor riding hall with insulated roof and drip irrigation ensures an excellent climate even during hot summer and protects you from bad weather.
  • riding arenas
  • drip irrigation
  • jump material
  • lighting for evening riding
  • excellent climate in the hall
  • lighting for evening riding

Outdoor riding arena

  • size 50x50 m
  • drip irrigation
  • jump material
  • lighting for evening riding

Riding arenas

We consider groundwork with horses as very important. Right next to the stables, you will find rings with a diameter of 18 m with installed drip irrigation, which provides an ideal surface for your work with a horse without using a lead rope. It is where you have the opportunity to get to know your horse in its nature.

Hay and bedding

We carefully pick the hay and store it properly in a modern hayloft. We collect it directly from the fields during the whole season. We tried different beddings, and we opted for wood pellets. It is incredibly absorbent bedding that disintegrates after being flooded with water and creates ideal conditions for horses to rest. The bedding is not dusty and provides a good climate in the stables. It binds moisture perfectly and thus prevents unwanted rot of the animals' hooves.


We take the entire complex's security very seriously, but at the same time, we do not want to violate people's privacy. We have sensitively combined mechanical and electronic security. Thus, the area is under constant supervision, and only clients have secured access to the saddle and locker rooms.
  • 60 cameras
  • 5 kilometers of fencing
  • the paddocks are receded from the fence
  • protection against feeding by strangers
  • monitored entrance


Záhorie is well known for its sandy terrain, which is extremely favourable for equestrian tourism and horseback riding. There are tens of kilometres of meadows, forests and roads along the rivers and lakes. There you do not have to worry about encountering modern transport and crossing roads full of cars. Plenty of local snack bars and food stations will provide refreshments for riders.
  • walks in colourful surroundings
  • equestrian tourism


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